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KGMS Junior Rockhounds program (also known as Kids Club)

Kids Club meetings are held at the

Portage Senior Center (the new one)

203 East Centre Ave

Portage, MI 49002

Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month. . Social hour starts at 6:30 pm, regular KGMS meetings starts at 7 pm.

Start time for Kids Club is 6:30 PM, parents are invited to help. 

KGMS in partnership with Kingman Museum is reinvigorating the American Federation of Mineralogical Society (AFMS) Future Rockhounds of America (FRA) program at KGMS.

Open to children age 5-14 regardless of KGMS membership status the Jr Rockhound program is held during KGMS meetings.

It is designed to reward youth with a series of badges, patches, and a completion pin.

This program is only available to clubs or societies affiliated with the AFMS and FRA.

KGMS meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month. No meetings in Jan., July or Aug.  Social hour starts at 6:30 pm, meeting starts at 7 pm.

FRA Badge photo_edited.jpg

Geology badges may be earned by any child, the KGMS program is geared to 5-14 year olds. Scouting groups (boys and girls) may find the badge program of particular interest. KGMS is open to working with schools, libraries and other outlets to provide the FRA badge program. To learn more about the FRA program visit 

Note:  To participate in field trips you must be a member of KGMS or an affiliated society. 

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